On Fri, 2004-08-06 at 09:34, Julie Sloan wrote:
> Bryan Phinney wrote:
> > http://pricewatch.com and search for external 56k modem and you will find a 
> > list of places that are currently selling a cendyne external serial modem for 
> > around $17 US.  Granted, that is not a top of the line modem, but it uses an 
> > equivalent chipset to a Zoom external serial modem version that costs about 
> > $60.  If you currently have a winmodem (crapmodem) and have always wanted to 
> > have a real honest to goodness external serial modem but are financially 
> > challenged, you might want to consider it.
> > 
> Eeee - what about those of us that are financially challenged AND are 
> operating on only a checkbook (not a charge card)?  I'm *still* waiting 
> for a linux book I ordered from Amazon - which "should arrive on July 
> 19th."  Wonder did they mean 2005?  (sorry - veered way OT)
> J

Believe me....this is *not* OT yet. ;)


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