On Thu, 12 Aug 2004 15:20:39 -0400
BJ Tracy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello All,
> I have installed Mandrake 10.0 Power Pack on my pc in my office
> and also on my laptop. (Two pc's to go.)
> I'm having the same problem that Stephen is having with the IP
> address on my laptop so I will be watching the responses.
> Question:  With all the software that came with Mdk 10 is there a
> contact management package like ACT or Goldmine?  Or a printable
> table of what all came with Mdk 10?
> Thanks for the help.
> bj
Take a look at XRMS xrms.sourceforge.net/
HERMES (http://hermesweb.sourceforge.net) and 

OpenRMS (http://sourceforge.net/projects/openres).

XRMS is probably ready for prime time. Hermes is still an infant but
the author is friendly and accomodating.  Open RMS is geared to the
hotel trade, but interesting.

I've been watching all three carefully.  I hate Act worse than dirt.
The only reason I haven't switched yet is importing 60,000 records
is a pain given the condition of my db.


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