Karen Heiby wrote:
> Okay, I think I got java working in Star Office, so I won't be asking
> about that *exactly*.
> But,
> 1.) Has anyone gotten it to be configured for Real Player?  I try to
> configure the applications but it keeps resetting what I do so I must be
> doing something wrong.
> 2.) Have you been able to log into Hotmail with Star Office's browser?
> When I click the Sign In button, it asks me what application I want to
> open it with.
> I have jdk117_v3 on here (as well as jdk117_v1a but that's not what I'm
> using at the moment).  Paths are correct, $JAVA_HOME is set correctly,
> java environments are found by Star Office okay.
> Thanks!
> Karen
Well thats what I have been saying all along.  I have tried all the
browsers for Linux, Amaya, HotJava, Star Office, KFM, Lynx, and another
one that starts with A.
None of them is as good as Netscape even with Netscape's problems.  None
of them allows you to login to sites like Hotmail or even my excite let
alone my online banking.  Most cannot do Java.  Unless your browsing
needs are very simple you are stuck with Netscape until Opera comes out.

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