It seems that you use 'tar zxf file.tar' to handle your archive. But the 'z'
option is to filter the archive through gzip. It is only intended to decompress
tgz or tar.gz files. In your case, you have to type 'tar xf file.tar'

HAL 9000 wrote :
> hello.. thanks for the replies about screenshots :o)  another question. 
> i just downloaded staroffice 5.1 (i love my t1 connection) and it is in
> *.tar format.  however when i try to untar is, i get the following error
> (using terminal emulation):
>       gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
>       tar: Child returned status 1
>       tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
> what am i doing wrong?  how can this be corrected?  any help is
> appreciated.
> seth
> -- 
>  _
> (_'_ ..
>  ^^^^< >

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