Dear friends:

Mark is right. Read Dave Whitinger's The Battle that Could Lose us the
War in LinuxToday at:

Since the world of computing and information has become Web-centric and
since Microsoft is not about to port IE 5.0 to Linux, then the Open
Source community must see the creation of a first-rate web browser equal
to or superior to IE as its NUMBER ONE PRIORITY. I'm speaking as a
non-techie observer. But isn't this just plain common sense. If
Microsoft could turn on a dime as it did in 1995 to turn its full
attention to the Web, so can and should the Open Source Community. I am
shocked to hear that Open Source has relied on Netscape and has done
little to create its own super web browser. Where will we be when
Microsoft's IE has 99% of the market (asks Dave Whitinger in the article
above). We'll be up the creek without a paddle. And still everyone talks
about new distros, KOffice, etc. But no one talks about the most
important thing of all: the Web and, therefore, the Web browser. 

Am I right? Is the emperor without clothes? Or am I missing something?


Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

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