Charlie Mahan wrote:
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On Saturday 21 August 2004 04:47:04, Vincent Voois wrote:
To be honest:If MS released windows the way it supposed to be, there
shouldn't be a need of SP1 and SP2. But MS has too many coders working
on too many projects and these projects can't be tested in all possible
combinations amongst eachother for the fact if they're fool- AND
hack-proof. But if Windows XP would have been that properly protected back
then, as it is now, nobody would have bought it since the PC hardware of
that time was not fast enough to be able to handle such bulky and
overheaded software MS releases. And honestly, today most common machines
experience a tremendous backdraft in speed when SP2 is installed.

I stick to the really critical security packs (meaning shit that the
firewall of my router can't stop AKA leaks in MS broadcast and receive
applications etc.) and that's it.

I'm almost positive this system has been infected by my warped sense of humor, 
as exemplified by the "random" Fortune used in my signature.


It would seem you have made at least one choice on your Windows system to 
shore up the lines of defense.

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.4)
 Gecko/20030624 Netscape/7.1 (ax)

You do know that Netscape 7.2 has been released do you not? It's based on the 
latest "stable" Mozilla and according to what I've read it's what version 6.0 
should have been for Windows users especially. But this thread was about 
Linux choices in general and Mandrake choices specifically. Not Windows 
choices, of which very few are available.

Maybe you should stop lurking and give Mandrake a try? I'm fairly sure most of 
us have felt the exact levels of frustration you do in our past. But as more 
than one list member has stated; "If Microsoft ever got serious about 
security and stability I'd have to go to work for a living."

Or words to that effect. (-:


I know Netscape 7.2 is released, but currently i only use netscape for it's mail-function (screw outlook and it's moron deratives.).
For browsing i use Mozilla Firefox :P (0.8 and 0.9.3 is also already out :P)

To be honest, i really like Mandrake for it's Gui and it's applications, hell i've even installed OpenOffice on my Windows system very recently (MS can stick that in their arse :P).
I have still some problems that Mandrake and Wine don't compromise for me specially when it involves specific software like Pinnacle Studio or Liquid Edition.
But i do use Linux for the deamon purposes it has to offer and it's very easy to set up your server-deamons and configure your mySQL databases etc.
It's also because i can script my up and downtimes in a timetable (cron), that's what my purpose for linux is.
The reason why i chose Mandrake above the more comprehensive editions for the purposes i require (like Slackware can do the job as good as well) is that The Xwindows system within Mandrake gave me the opportunity to browse the web for answers and to test them in the environment i required.
It sucks a bit to switch between two monitors and do one thing on the win pc and test the solution on the linux machine.

Currently i've been busy for three weeks now with Linux, i've had experience with Linux in the past (and SCO Unix) but this was long time ago.
The only thing that still kept me a bit in touch was through shelling my ISP and that of my customers because i programmed CGI scripts for their webshops.
But this is also long time ago.

But once software developers like Pinnacle and Adobe really start to create DTP software for Xwindows, i would love to step over.
Currently i've *donated* a bit too much cash for those packages to abandon them right now. (as there might be good alternatives in XWindows, tips are always welcome)



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