
Last night I just make Wingate 3.0 work in my house, 2 computers interconected in a
LAN and they share internet acces throught a dial-up access and we boot have ICQ
working. Enable ICQ service in the gate requieres an aditional immplemantation of UDP
mapping service. If you are still interesting on it e-mail me back.


John Aldrich wrote:

> On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> > A few reason ,
> > 1. We are talking about a dial up line , not a full time
> > connection.
> > 2.  We both use icq, as well as other software which works off of different
> > ports. if I remember what I read. I would have to enable the ports to allow use
> > of these programs. The Second edition  (I agree, still waiting on the third ,
> > but i will not go to 2000) allows traffic on these ports by defualt.
> > 3. My wife's system tends to connect at better speeds than my machine, (She
> > gets 28800, i get 26400)
> >
> > Do you require more??
> >
> Nope...but I would like to point out that Linux *will* work
> just fine sharing a dial-up line. :-) (Oh, as for the
> connection difference... I read somewhere that MS has a
> tendancy to overstate the actual connect speed, whereas
> Linux will give you EXACTLY what the modem says it
> connected at...)
>         John

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