Today at 15:16, Russell W. Behne wrote:

> Today at 10:58, Ron Hunter-Duvar wrote:
> > On September 27, 2004 18:53, Russell W. Behne wrote:
> > > I just tried to use OpenOffice for the first time in a long time.
> > > When I opened a .doc file OpenOffice started up in German. I prefer
> > > to use it in English, but can't find how to switch it to English.
> > > How do I do this?
> > I just had the same problem with a fresh Mdk 10.1 install. I presume
> > that it's the new version of OO that comes with 10.1 that is the
> > problem. Have you installed updates since the last time you used it?
> I have Mandrake 10.0 installed, with all available updates.
> > Anyway, I don't have a solution yet either. I was trying to guess my
> > way through the configuration dialogs to set it back to English, but
> > no luck yet.
> Well, I know a smattering of German, and there's nothing in the menu 
> dialogs to control the language at all. There must be something else 
> somewhere. 

Ron, here's what I've done to solve the problem.

 1. I removed all of OpenOffice entirely.
 2. Using my Mdk 10.0 cd, I selected to install
from scratch using Mandrake Control Center.
 3. Before clicking on `Install', I examined the available files, and
what had been automatically selected. I found that the i18n package for
German (de) was automatically selected, but not the one for English, so
I manually selected it.
 4. I Clicked on install.
 5. After the install completed I tested it by starting oowriter. It 
started in English, as it  should.
 6. Next, I exited oo, and used Mandrake Control Center to install
updates. It showed that and the library
rpm were available as an upgrade, so I selected them both and clicked on 
Install. It showed 5 packages total were actually installing, (those 
two above, an English help file, and two i18n files.)
 7. Next I tried oowriter again, and this time 1.1.2 is starting up in 
English, just as it should.

My conclusion is that if your copy of OpenOffice is starting in German
instead of your system's default language, it's probably due to a
missing i18n file. Try this to see what you have installed:

        rpm -q \

I now get the following response to the above command:

        package is not installed

If you don't see the last file with the `-l10n-en-' part, then try 
installing it. Same for the `help-en' file. 

I consider this to be an install issue: on install your local language
should determine which i18n files to install rather than defaulting to
the programmer's personal language preference. Perhaps a German
programmer did this as a slap in the face to English-language
programmers whom are guilty of consistently ignoring this important
point. (I often hear of programs defaulting to the English language in
systems set to use another language - it's usually a programmer's fault
when this happens.) 

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