My 13 year old son was playing Doom3 the other day when he came rushing in and 
said that he smelled something burning (electrical). Now, he thinks the game 
is very realistic but he knows that it doesn't include smell so he attempted 
to shutdown but his system locked up (hard) before he could.

After I got in the room and did a complete power off/restart, it would boot 
back up to a KDE desktop, then moments later, lockup, or spontaneously 
shutdown/reboot. All with burnt electrical smell. Then, after a short while, 
it got to where it would turn on, but we couldn't even get to BIOS. Now, this 
sounds like the power supply is going/gone bad, doesn't it? I've had it 
happen before, and his case-P/S combo is about 2-3 years old now, generic 
250w, that gets heavy gaming use. So it seemed to fit. I had a spare P/S, so 
I replaced it yesterday and tried to boot up. Nada. Same symptoms. Now I was 
puzzled. Surely the CPU hasn't fried?-I thought. Well, I happened (thank 
goodness for spare parts from past upgrades!) to have a lesser CPU, so I 
pulled the suspect CPU and put this one in. Same thing. Same symptoms.
Now I was getting worried. I'm thinking something on the MB (Soyo) had died 
and fried. Before I did anything about that though, I did go back and check 
all connections, just in case. I pulled his Nvidia Geforce 4 4200 video card 
and reseated it. I put a different monitor on his setup, just in case it was 
something like that. Well, to make this long story short, I finally stuck his 
old video card (a Geforce 2) in there, and it took right off. I put the 4200 
back in there, bang-no boot. I examined the fan on the card, blew dust out of 
it,  cleaned the AGP slot connectors, reinstalled it, and let it sit there. 
There is a small black chip in the upper right hand corner of the card that 
gets so hot that I can't keep my fingers on it. Its this way just moments 
after power hits it. First time for me, a video card burning out. :-(

Does Nvidia repair their cards? If so, is it expensive? Just a thought. It was 
a nice card - Geforce 4, Ti4200, 64 megs.

                                                         Dark<  >Lord

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