USWest, the not-so-baby Bell only supports Windows, and won't even 
give hints for other OS's, but everything works fine under my Linux 
installation.  I pay USWest for the dsl line, and Datawest (a local 
ISP) for the service with a static IP. I'm my own smtp (using 
as a redirect), ftp, and telnet server.  Still need to figure out how 
to do POP3, but that's not as important to me, as when I move next 
time I may not have the dsl connection.

Ty Mixon
ICQ:    26147713

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 11/20/99, 10:14:20 AM, Axalon Bloodstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
wrote regarding RE: [newbie] ADSL?:

> On Sat, 20 Nov 1999, John Aldrich wrote:

> > Locally (BellSouth) is one of those that has required
> > a Windows box to set up your ADSL, although that may be changing.
> > Another friend of mine has a Linux box and they're coming to install
> > the ADSL line today for him. I think one problem in the past has been
> > that a LOT of "kiddies" set up Linux boxes on ADSL and Cablemodems
> > and leave 'em *wide* open for hacking and spamming. This causes
> > problems down the road for the cable/phone co. So, as a result of
> > this "problem" they have developed "windows-only" policies.
> > What the INSTALLER thinks may be a different matter. ;-)
> >     John

> Ok true but theres easier ways, i Know lots of isp's that block port 
> for those reasons, to all their customers ip's

> --
> MandrakeSoft
>                                         --Axalon

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