On Fri, 24 Dec 2004 14:56:52 -0500
job evers disseminated the following:

> smb4k automatically goes into the KDE taskbar when it is run, which is
> fine if you are using KDE, but I am using pekwm and so I don't know
> how to access the program.
> Anybody have any ideas on how to run smb4k with pekwm?

***fsckin' GMail!!!***

Okay, just checked out smb4k, that is *way* overkill for Samba shares *if*
that's all yer doin'.

As an example, I have a mountscript (exported from LinNeighbourhood) in ~/bin
which is called like so (from my 'keys' file):

        # Samba
        Chain = "Mod4 s" {
                KeyPress = "1" { Actions = "exec ~/bin/node2mount" }
                KeyPress = "2" { Actions = "exec ~/bin/node2umount" }
                KeyPress = "3" { Actions = "exec ~/bin/node3mount" }
                KeyPress = "4" { Actions = "exec ~/bin/node3umount" }

Menu entries:

        Submenu = "Samba" {     
        Entry = "Node2" { Actions = "Exec ~/bin/rox 
/home/joehill/mnt/NODE2/backup/" }
        Entry = "Node3" { Actions = "Exec ~/bin/rox 
/home/joehill/mnt/NODE3/joehill/" }

NODE2 is the stupid Windows XP box I am forced to allow on my network, NODE3 is
my Debian web/mail server. I used SWAT to set up both shares, IIRC.

Running smb4k is very likely going to require you to run kdeinit, which entirely
defeats the dolphin of running a lightweight WM like Pek anyhow.

JoeHill / RLU #282046 / www.freeyourmachine.org
22:51:50 up 33 days, 14:04, 7 users, load average: 0.31, 0.11, 0.03
"When you give food to the poor, they call you a saint. When you ask why the
poor have no food, they call you a communist." -- Archbishop Helder Camara

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