On Sat, 20 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> Sorry, John, parallel.  How's this from the SANE-mustek.5 notes:  "Note
> that this scanner comes with its own ISA card that implements a funky
> parallel port (in other words the scanner is not connected to the
> printer parallel port.  The code present in this release has not been
> tested so proceed at your own risk!  Be prepared to pull the scanner
> cable on short notice in case the situation grows dangerous and/or
> noisy."  Talk about a beta release.  Maybe that's why I can't find any
> files.  Anyway, I'm prepared to have a go if I can find a way.  Another
> reason not to use Windoze.
Paralell is not generally supported under Linux for scanners. I've
seen ONE post that has indicated that there is limited support for
paralell port scanners under Linux.
You'd have a LOT better luck getting a SCSI scanner (although those
can be hard to find these days!)

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