In defense of IT's (I'm not one), it's not their fault - they do what 
the HR or other department tell them to do. And the HR has to do it 
b/c if you piss off someone in IRC while logged in from a work 
computer that person can now sue your company.  (Assuming US of course 
- Home of the Blame, land of the lawsuit.)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 11/23/99, 2:10:35 AM, Mike Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
regarding [newbie] Definitely Off Topic:

> Hi!
> I know this is off topic, but I noticed that a lot of you guys are
> Network Admins or similar..

> I was just wondering if the following Saga is common practice by you
> guys...
> We have just been connected in the past month to the Internet at work
> and the following is the Lowdown of the past 2 days here.
> BTW, my work machine is a Windoze98 one :-(

> ------

> Yesterday morning when I started my trusty computer, it ran an
> additional script during logon.
> Well, that's interesting I said to myself...
> Then I looked at a friends email and clicked on a Link to a chat room
> and "Lo and Behold" the following Screen appeared in my browser... "
> Blocked by SurfWatch "

> Well, what do you know, say's I to myself :-(
> Then I looked a little closer at the URL of the Screen.
> bchat%2broom%26type%3dchat

> Upon looking at the internet settings/lan of Internet Explorer, What
> could this be, I never set it up to use a proxy, so I quiet merrily
> disabled the use proxy option, and what do you know, that annoying
> SurfWatch disappeared :-)
> Well that's That I thought to myself.

> BUT, someone had other ideas it seems!!!

> Turned on trusty computer this morning, and what do you think I 
> Another @#$#@ Script run during Logon...

> Bugger says I..

> Had a wee look at my I/E Internet settings/Lan, and what do you think 
> saw???
> The options to change lan settings grayed out and set to use 
> proxy :-(((

> Needless to say I was seriously unchuffed!!!

> What can a poor boy do?
> Well couldn't find anything in the Registry to explain this new
> "feature" generously put into my brouser by our ever-loving IT....

> So, out comes my trusty backup of Notscape, and Praise the Lord, At
> least that installed OK, and without any kindly supplied "added
> features" from our friendly IT.

> You know, if the stupid bugger would just give me a call and say "We
> don't want you to go to porno sites or chat with your work computer"
> Then he wouldn't need to fartass around wasting both his time and 
> as I DON'T go to Porno Sites, and if it really get's his knickers in a
> knot about chatting, then OK, it is possible to accommodate him...
> But that would be to logical and wouldn't allow him to flex his 
> little Nerd Muscles.....

> Anyway, that's about the situation today....

> And what will appear on my screen during Logon tomorrow morning?
> Maybe a variant on Deltree C:\progra~1\Netscape or something?

> Jesus if he wasn't acting like an asshole I wouldn't be wasting my 
> trying to foil him..
> ----------------------------------------------------------------

> As you can see I was somewhat annoyed....

> What do you guys out there think?

> Dont Crucify me to harshly....

> Rgds:

> Mike

> <<<<Linux -- the Ultimate Windows Service Pack>>>>

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