It probably wasn't his fault. Management most likeley made him do it in
keeping with that general "cop/disiplinarian" mindset so prevelent in the
work-place. I've often thought to myself, just as you say, "Why don't they
just call and ask me not to do whatever, rather than create some kind of
overkill security system."
David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
**Rock on with glowing glass**
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, November 23, 1999 4:54 AM
Subject: [newbie] Definitely Off Topic

>I know this is off topic, but I noticed that a lot of you guys are
>Network Admins or similar..
>I was just wondering if the following Saga is common practice by you
>We have just been connected in the past month to the Internet at work
>and the following is the Lowdown of the past 2 days here.
>BTW, my work machine is a Windoze98 one :-(
>Yesterday morning when I started my trusty computer, it ran an
>additional script during logon.
>Well, that's interesting I said to myself...
>Then I looked at a friends email and clicked on a Link to a chat room
>and "Lo and Behold" the following Screen appeared in my browser... "
>Blocked by SurfWatch "
>Well, what do you know, say's I to myself :-(
>Then I looked a little closer at the URL of the Screen.
>Upon looking at the internet settings/lan of Internet Explorer, What
>could this be, I never set it up to use a proxy, so I quiet merrily
>disabled the use proxy option, and what do you know, that annoying
>SurfWatch disappeared :-)
>Well that's That I thought to myself.
>BUT, someone had other ideas it seems!!!
>Turned on trusty computer this morning, and what do you think I saw?????
>Another @#$#@ Script run during Logon...
>Bugger says I..
>Had a wee look at my I/E Internet settings/Lan, and what do you think I
>The options to change lan settings grayed out and set to use unfriendly
>proxy :-(((
>Needless to say I was seriously unchuffed!!!
>What can a poor boy do?
>Well couldn't find anything in the Registry to explain this new
>"feature" generously put into my brouser by our ever-loving IT....
>So, out comes my trusty backup of Notscape, and Praise the Lord, At
>least that installed OK, and without any kindly supplied "added
>features" from our friendly IT.
>You know, if the stupid bugger would just give me a call and say "We
>don't want you to go to porno sites or chat with your work computer"
>Then he wouldn't need to fartass around wasting both his time and mine,
>as I DON'T go to Porno Sites, and if it really get's his knickers in a
>knot about chatting, then OK, it is possible to accommodate him...
>But that would be to logical and wouldn't allow him to flex his scrawny
>little Nerd Muscles.....
>Anyway, that's about the situation today....
>And what will appear on my screen during Logon tomorrow morning?
>Maybe a variant on Deltree C:\progra~1\Netscape or something?
>Jesus if he wasn't acting like an asshole I wouldn't be wasting my time
>trying to foil him..
>As you can see I was somewhat annoyed....
>What do you guys out there think?
>Dont Crucify me to harshly....
><<<<Linux -- the Ultimate Windows Service Pack>>>>

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