On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> "Michael R. Batchelor" wrote:
> > 
> > >Thank you, thank you, thank you. Confirmation from a third party that
> > >the poor IS guy in the trenches is the decision maker. It amazes me how
> > 
> >                         insert  ^^NOT^^
> > >many people are willing to shoot the messenger. I'm not going to say
> > >that there aren't some first class butt heads who work in IS, but I
> > know
> > >some of those out on the plant floor and in the warehouse and in the
> > >boardroom.
> > 
> > Sorry
> For the most part, I doubt that IS people go out of their way to be
> asses about things.  They do have jobs to do, machines and software to
> maintain, and new projects to finish.  If there are ways for them to
> reduce the amount of software and machine maintenance they have to do,
> they'd be crazy NOT to do them.
> The original poster should be glad he doesn't work on our network.  ALL
> Internet access is restricted by the firewall, outgoing connections must
> pass through a blocking / caching proxy server, email is logged in both
> directions, Windows machines are locked down to allow only certain apps
> to be run, etc.
> -- 
> Steve Philp
> Network Administrator
> Advance Packaging Corporation

That's the direction my company is going. I am now looking at software that
will enable us to lock down the win95 client machines from the server. As for
internet access, ours isn't so strict, but when we discover someone abusing
this privelage, and it is a privilege, then we take action to bring this to a
stop, on an individual basis though.

 -- Chip Wiegand
Computer Services
Simrad, Inc

<<< Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly >>>
                                Robert F. Kennedy

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