On Thursday 03 March 2005 05:16 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
> On Friday 04 March 2005 01:18, JoeHill wrote:
> > On Thu, 3 Mar 2005 15:34:55 +0100
> >
> > Stefan Tulak disseminated the following:
> > > I've installed mandrakelinux for one month and I'm very
> > > pleasured.
> >
> > Shite, I never got that kinda stimulation out of it.
> Very funny comment indeed, Joe  :-(
> I Know it may come as an incomprehensible shock to most "Americans"
> here, but not everyone living on this tiny planet received the
> divine blessing of being brought up in the English/US/Redneck
> tongue. Of course that's a big mistake by the Lord. I'll admit that
> for sure.  And I can't for the sake of me understand why he didn't
> let Mr. Gutenberg print the Bible in English rather than in
> Latin/Greek/Hebrew/Whatever ???
> That aside, I feel ashamed when a non-rap-redneck-speaking newcomer
> (NRRSN for the Americans) to this list formulates his joy of
> becoming a member of the free community, and he is received by
> ridiculing comments about misspelling and mis-syntaxing.
> A few years ago this list was friendlier.
> Sorry for my bad English..
Kaji ..If you give this bunch a bad pun they, will give you even worse puns in 
> Kaj Haulrich.

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