On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 01:21:52 +0100
H.J.Bathoorn disseminated the following:

> > So friends, that was it :  forget about software development in
> > Europe.
> >
> > Kaj Haulrich.
> I'm not surprised at all, it would have been at this meeting or the next 
> meeting or the next or the next.Politicians can be bought and the EU ones in 
> particular.
> I'm not surprised there's no Dutch stance either, they've been the ones 
> working in the background pushing MS. Dutch EU politician Bolkestein up front 
> taking care of their rights....He's right wing BTW and thankfully been pushed 
> offstage as of short.
> Don't ever forget that the EU is not a democratic organisation, it's built 
> upon the European Steel and Coal Union......a multinational 
> affair.Unification is good but not solely on economic terms.

Just a side note, this European Steel and Coal Union is *not* in any sense to be
confused with an organization of workers for collective bargaining. It is more
accurately described as a 'cartel'.

I bring this up because it is only through democratic organization that software
developers and users will defeat this cash grab by greedy mercantilist rats. As
you and Kaj and others have pointed out, this is not going to happen by marking
an 'X' on a ballot next to the name of some grifter who's supposed to
'represent' you.

The people do not need to be spoken for, their voice may be heard loud and clear
should their will be so.

JoeHill / RLU #282046 / www.freeyourmachine.org
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