On Sun, 10 Apr 2005 10:29:32 +1200
SnapafunFrank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi ~ the following is in reference to Acrobat Reader only.
> I have been reading about Acrobat5 and Acrobat7 and am looking at 
> installing the later.
> I understand that I need to remove all of Acrobat5 and that is OK by
> me. The README advises: "To uninstall Acrobat Reader 5.0.9, simply
> delete  the directory where it was installed."
> However, in doing a search :
> # slocate acro
> I have found that it is spread through quite a number of directories.
> Though I am prepared to track them down and remove them all
> individually I was wondering if there is a way to use the " rm "
> command to search  and remove them all at one time ?
> And even better ~ if there was a way to check everything " rm " wanted
> to remove first without having to say " Y " to every file one by one ?
> Still, this is only a thought and not essential but if you know then 
> please share.
> Regards
> SnapafunFrank


I think the find command is what you are looking for.

As root, run
find / -name acroread* -exec ls {} \;
to find the files you are looking for. (acro* gives too many false
positives, at least on my machine.) 

find / -name acroread* -exec rm {} \;
to remove the files..

find / -name acroread* -exec rm -i {} \;
gives you the possibility to skip certain files, and

find / -name acroread* -exec rm -r -i {} \;
also works recursively.

Then go on to search for Acrobat instead of acroread.


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