On Sun, 05 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> How can this be tolerated? Or rather how can Linux tolerate this and
> still talk about interoperatibility of distros? And what does the future
> hold? 
Umm. . .well if its really that big a deal there are always tar.gz arcs ya kno.
 Ive actually taken to using them over rpms just cuz i find them simpler. 
Granted i give up things like package tracking and easy uninstalling, but on
the upside, i know where everything is. . .and i dont have to worry so much
about dependencies. . .

I think a bigger issue right now as far as linux fragmentation is the intro of
ext3. . .is redhat the ms of linux?

 just my $0.02

Also does anyone know of any good utilities to convert digital audio files
(MOD, S3M, IT) to mp3?

Thanks all. . .

Seth Gibson
members.tripod.com/cybernetic_thunder (There's Actually STUFF Here Now!
"As it is, The American Justice System is a big enough joke WITHOUT TV
Court Shows. . ."
-D Johnson

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