As long as there is an opportunity to commercially exploit Linux we will
have those who will attempt to taint it in their own fashion, making
their clientele dependant upon using only their version.  This is a fact
of life.  It is a price you will pay for the operating system to become
more and more Windows like in order to push it on to more desktops.  And
we support this by demanding all the same features Windows gave us, GUI
interfaces, graphical web browsers, graphical anything.

Ken Wilson
First Law of Optimisation: The speed of a non-working program is
(Steve Heller, 'Efficient C/C++ Programming')

-----Original Message-----


Umm. . .well if its really that big a deal there are always tar.gz arcs
ya kno.
 Ive actually taken to using them over rpms just cuz i find them
Granted i give up things like package tracking and easy uninstalling,
but on
the upside, i know where everything is. . .and i dont have to worry so
about dependencies. . .

I think a bigger issue right now as far as linux fragmentation is the
intro of
ext3. . .is redhat the ms of linux?


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