On Wed, 08 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> I thought I read on the web somewhere that all Sound Blaster Cards were supported by 
>Mandrake 6.1, but I have a Sound Blaster Live! (256). The Snooper recognizes the 
>card, but can't install it. Is there anyway to run the card as a Sound Blaster 64, or 
>a Sound Blaster compatible card?
> Please e-mail me with any ideas. I don't want to buy another card.
> Thank you-
> Christopher Kopp

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Second, Linux DOES support the SB Live! However, it's a bit
"cutting-edge" and drivers are not built-in for it yet. You
need to go to the archives and read up on what you need to
do. Go to www.linux-mandrake.com and find the link to the
mailing lists and then on that page is a link to the

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