John & Glenn....I'd not be editing my /etc/inittab file till I'd
successfully executed a startx command at least once.


John Aldrich wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> > Thanks to the very helpful advice about the partion info that I recived
> > I finally got Linux to install without issue, however when it comes up I
> > am completely, without question, dumbfounded by the command line
> > structure, I thought it was going to come up in the xwindow deal but I
> > guess I thought wrong.  I guess now that I got it installed I can do a
> > reinstal to see if I missed any steps.  And as I think about it, the
> > install went a bit quicker this time as well, dont seem to remevber as
> > many steps as I took before.  But as I wait patiently on this I will
> > continue to try the install again... Thanx a bunch for all you guyes
> > help!
> >
> need to reinstall. log on as "root" and go edit
> your /etc/inittab file and find the line that says
> "id:3:initdefault:" and change that to "id:5:initdefault:"
> (minus quotes on both of these, btw.) Then, reboot. BTW,
> the editor *I* like best is "joe." The command line to edit
> this would be "joe /etc/inittab" (minus quotes.) Then,
> scroll down using your down arrow key until you find the
> "id:3..." line and scroll over until you pass the "3" and
> then backspace over the "3" and type "5". Then hit your
> CTRL+K+D, then CTRL+K+X. Then type /sbin/reboot. That
> should take care of things.
>         John

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