> My local cabel company COGECO informs me that no Linux system is
> compatible with their modems so I can not connect to the Internet
> through Linux.  However, can Linux read Windows 98?  Can I still dowload
> software in Windows and somehow transfer it to Linux.  The word
> 'transfer' may be wrong, but can I use the two together somehow so that
> I can download software to the Linus system.  Any help would be
> appreciated.
> Robert

   alias mntwin="mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /Win"

   I put this line in '/etc/bashrc ', so that when I type 'mntwin'
in a console, my C:\ drive, 1st partition is mounted, ie.,
Windows98.  When I'm done I type 'umount /Win' to unmount Windows.
Whether your C:\ drive is fat 16 or 32, this will let you navigate
your Windows dir's just as if they were any other dir's under Linux.

   For this to work on your system you need to create a dir off '/'
named 'Win', or name it anything you want and put it where ever you
want, and edit the 'bashrc' line to match.   'Course you don't have
to put the line in 'bashrc', but then you'll need to type  ' mount
-t vfat /dev/hda1 /Win ' every time you want access to Windows.

   With Windows mounted, and two KFM windows open, one to the
Windows dir where the files you want are, the other to the Linux dir
you want to copy/move them to, it's then just a simple drag'n drop
to transfer the files.
..      Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      .

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