Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
> > Axalon....the only directions I found at that URL were these "Please
> > check the list of FTP mirror down on this page, and choose one that is
> > near your location."  Well I picked one but there was no iso image there
> > to download, just a bunch of navigable directories as if I'd mounted a
> > CDRom.  How does one download the oxygen distribution?
> >
> > Alan
> >
> >
> Well first you've missed the part about posting to the cooker list., I didn't miss that part.  That is in the next part of the
page with the heading "How to contribute to the debugging?"  That part
does not yet concern me since I haven't gotten anything to help to debug
installed on a computer.  What with a 600+ meg download at my paltry
28,800 connect speed, I figured I'd have lots of time to worry about
subscribing to the cooker during/after the download.

> (I'll personaly do removal of those that have troubles getting off as long
> as they try, and don't send multple requests over and over. after the
> beta) ;) for those who are now listphobic's

I'm sorry but I haven't any idea at all what the above paragraph means. 
There's a negative tone to it but I derive no meaning at all from the

> Probably related to there not being an iso mentioned on the page ;)

What's related, my question as to how to download an image I can burn
into a CD?  Why yes, that was the problem I ran into, no apparent ISO,

> This doesn't help much either
> --
> [root@Elminster oxygen]$ du -hsx i586/
> 654M    i586
> --
> I think We got it worked out, and Linuxberg is mirroring (don't slam it or
> it's just gonna take it longer) now.
> You can of course create your own iso if you just can't wait.

Again, it seems like you're speaking in a foreign language to me in the
above.  What doesn't help much?  You du'ed a directory on some system
with switches that aren't listed in "Nutshell" and got 654 Meg as an
answer?  So?

You have gotten what worked out?  I don't slam things and don't know
what I could possibly say or type that would make anything take longer??

Create my own iso from what?  What are you talking about?  I'm sorry, I
simply don't understand your post at all?!!

It was a simple question, "How does one download the oxygen


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