The only accelrated drivers available right now are in a commercial package
for> $80.

Here are some options in the price range you're looking for (don't by an STB
product that isn't a Voodoo board. They were bought by 3Dfx and are no longer
providing driver updates for any of their older boards. I know this because I
have the board you mentioned in one of my computers)

The better choices are:
16MB OEM version of a TNT2
TNT2 Vanta, faster than a TNT, not as fast as a full TNT2, bu typically around
S3 Savage  Pro or Pro+ chipset board
Voodoo 3 2500, or 3000
ATi Rage Fury

These aren't the fastest boards, but in your price range they're all solid
performers. However, if you do some carefull shopping, you can get a 32MB TNT2
board for around $150. They are greart performers and have excellent video


On Fri, 31 Dec 1999, you wrote:

> >
> > Hmmm, any supported cards that acceleration *is* supported, or is it
> > something I shouldn't really worry about?  I'm just looking for a good PCI
> > card in the $50-150 US range.  I think one card I was looking at (STB
> > Velocity 4400) supported Direct 3D and OpenGL.  Thanks!
> >
> Dunno. I don't believe that Xfree86 makes an accelerated
> server. OTOH, you might go see what cards mesa-gl supports.
>         John

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