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.. All peripherals except for the sound card work properly, I have a Creative Labs 
> card. The installation program never gave me the option to set it up.
> Does this mean it is not supported? If it should be supported how can I
> set it up after the OS has been installed?
depending on the card the SB Live has some issues but you can make it work. I
use a SBawe.  type sndconfig in at the command line as root. to set it up. You
might also want to make sure that plug and play os isn't on in the bios as that
will sometimes give false errors on the sndconfig.
- ------------------------------------
 > I am confused as to how to set up the dual boot option when the 2 OS's >
are on different drives? Currently, when the computer is setup to boot > off of
the drive containing Linux it gets to "LI" then freezes. If I > boot up off of
the Linux floppy created during installation, it works > fine. > Any ideas?? >
Thanks in advance, > Steve

I can only tell you that the boot area of the kernel has to be above  the 1023
cylinder or the bios may not see it. depending on the partitions on the ide. 


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