Installing programs was one of my biggest complaints/problems when I was still a
linux newbie. I can help you on some of the stuff though. First, get the binary
whenever possible. It will save you a ton of headaches. A binary acts more like
a Windows .exe file. Binary's are usually suffixed with a .rpm extention. They
are the easiest to install. Just "su" to root and type in your password at the
prompt. Then, in the directory where you downloaded the file, type "rpm -Uvh
the_program_name.rpm" Now, to run it, just type in the program name, for
example, "licq". 

When someone talks about the source (sometimes abbreviated "src"), they are
talking about a ".tar.gz" file usually. These are slightly more complicated,
and in my experiances, sometimes don't compile. But if you have to download of
one of these, it isn't too hard to install. Go to the directory where you
downloaded it from, and type "tar -zxvf the_file_name.tar.gz" This will unpack
the file, and create a new directory. Go to the new directory, and there should
be a README file in there. Use pico (pico the_readme_file) to read it (or any
other text editor), and it should have further instructions on how to install.
But most of the time, it consists of using "./configure" to configure the files,
then "make", then "make install", in that order. Of course, sometimes it gives
you an error when you do one of the steps in compiling, in which case I can't
really help you. If it all worked, you will have a new binary file (which you
can distinguish because it has a * by it) in the directory you are in.  

As for getting libc, glibc, or any of the others, it's my understanding
(which means I could be wrong) that glibc is the newest, and since I'm assuming
you're using Mandrake 6.0 or better, the glibc file would probally be better.
You'll normally only see the glibc description when dealing with source stuff

Anthony Huereca
I had a life I have a computer and a modem

> Ok, I've read so so many docs on installing progs, but I always seem to get 
> one thing wrong, and I dont know what it is!??!!  I would be very geratful 
> if someone could go over it, real easy, in a windows user (soon to be 
> Xwindows user if I can get this!) sort of fashion...really s l o w, step by 
> step, and really really easy!  The thing I find myself having the most 
> trouble with is knowing what files to even download for a prog in the first 
> place!!  Like Licq for example.  I go to, check out the 
> Icq for X11 page, and when I see the Licq download description, there's like 
> 6 different files!  I mean what's a binary and which one do I get, and do I 
> get glibc or what??!  Geez!  I've read so much docs that say "get the 
> source, and they ask for I binary get that...blah blah blah...over my 
> head!!!"!!  So if you can help me please do, I'm sure I'm not the only one 
> with this problem!
> Thanks!
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Jim Garner
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