The command is "ls --color=auto". I personally use the bash shell
so I put a line in my .bashrc like this:
        alias ls 'ls --color=auto'
I think that something similar maybe done with the tcsh shell. Also if
you want to change the default colours you may change the settings at the
/etc/DIR_COLORS file (follow the instructions included, you can also add
more file extensions).

                        Stylianos Koutrakis
                        Department of Geophysics
                        School of Geology
                        Aristotelio University of Thessaloniki
                        540 06 Thessaloniki
                        Makedonia, Greece
                        E-MAIL  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        Phone   : +30 31 998536
                        FAX     : +30 31 998528


On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, Elvis Chen wrote:

> hi everyone,
> How does one enable ls to display file names in colour depending on the
> file extension?  
> It used to be working under Mandrake 6.1, but once I installed Mandrake 7,
> it stops working.  The shell I'm using is tcsh.  HOWEVER, if I use bash,
> the ls-listing are displayed in colour.
> Looks to me that there are a lot of details in Mandrake 7 are NOT being
> taken care of.  It is too bad that I need the new kernel or else I'll
> switch back to 6.1
> thanx,
> Elvis

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