You have defenitely jumped onto the learning curve by conquering the ultra 

I think [PTBL] equals "Partition Table."

To mount your Windows partition:
1) Type "fdisk -l" from a console to list the partitons
2) From the above command, identify the partition you want to mount (I will 
refer to this partition as /dev/hdxy, but replace the "x" and "y" with the 
actual letter and number shown from the "fdisk -l" output)
3) Type "cd /mnt" without the quotes
4) Type "mkdir windows" to create a new directory called /mnt/windows (this 
will become your windows mount point very shortly)
5) Type "mount -t vfat /dev/hdxy /mnt/windows" (remember to replace the "x" 
an "y" with the letter and number that matches your partition)
6) Now use any file explorer to view the contents of your /mnt/windows 
directory.  You should see the contents of your Windows partition.

You can use Linuxconf to make Linux automatically mount this partition every 
time you start Linux, but I will let you attempt that yourself.

When performing the above steps, remember that Linux is "case sensitive" 
(example: to Linux "mkdir" does not equal "MKDIR")

I'm not at my Linux box, so the above was from memory.  Anyone, please 
correct me if I made any errors.


>From: "Nussbaum, George" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [newbie] What does [PTBL] mean??
>Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2000 10:44:50 -0500
>I configured my ultra 66 card and it assigns my 27 GB HD the value of hde.
>When it starts to assign partitions it gives me:
>hde: [PTBL]  then numbers here (looks like sectors/cylinders/heads)
>this is a FAT32 partition wth windows that I want to mount to read my
>data...any ideas?

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