How about IRQ's? Is there a conflict? 


Dave wrote:
> insmod 3c509 gives me
> ./3c509.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
> ...sorry to have so little to go on, but I have no way of figuring out what
> to do next.
> (on a side note, is there a taskmanager or ctrl+alt+del equivalent in linux?
> I know that there is ps, but anything else (especially if it is accesible in
> KDE))?
> Thanks
> Dave
> >>>>>>>>>
> have you tried a insmod 3c509 ??
> does not look like the mod for the nic is loaded (hence the no eth0 in
> ifconfig)
> after you try the insmod (and get no errors ) try a modprobe 3c509
> and then a ifconfig if you then see a eth0 ... BINGO
> you can go into linuxconf and edit eth0 to use the 3c509 modual and dhcp
> protocol.
> after you save and exit linuxconf try ifconfig again you should see eth0,
> if no do a ifup eth0
> Regards,
> ROn

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