Dude, I totally agree, variety and open source are the two major things that
make linux great (as well as price (or lack thereof)).

There is one thing you could pretty much guarantee though. Since there are
minor variations between the many different flavours of *nix boxes, M$ would
be forced to distribute many versions of binaries, which would really be
bad, since there would still be site-dependant configuration details that
probably couldn't be changed.

I will grant M$ this though, the interface of IE is (in my oppinion) far
supperior to that of Netscape, and it's here Netscape should concentrate in
order to maintain there market.

For any Netscape developers out there, please get some of the following
  1) Smooth Scrolling
  2) Hotkeys that work (Alt-O don't do a thing on Mandrake 6.0)
  3) A more refined interface (like IE)

Anything to keep the Microsofties away, after all, why did most of us
convert from Windoze,... freedom

-----Original Message-----
From: David van Balen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, 8 February 2000 9:39am
Subject: Re: [newbie] what web browser do you all use?

Yeah, it does sound good. They don't have a release date though... I think
it's important not to stop supporting the open source browsers out there
while we wait for Microsoft's vaporware.
If Microsoft does release IE for Linux and it's a good product, great, but
meanwhile I plan to assume that it's not going to happen. Also, I don't
think we want Microsoft gaining monopoly status in the Unix browser market
and further screwing with internet standards... personally, I'll migrate
to a good open source browser as soon as there's one available.

Just my $0.02


On Mon, 7 Feb 2000, Mark Sheppard wrote:

> And here is MS's official page on it which actually says IE5 with Outlook5
> which would be very nice to see for Linux too.
> http://www.microsoft.com/unix/ie/default.asp
> > ...well give me a few on that... but a quick search on go.com turned
> > up:
> > http://www.sunworld.com/swol-11-1997/swol-11-ie4.html
> >
> > > Where did you see the IE port to unix?
> > >
> > > rgds:
> > >
> > > Mike

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