Yeah, with telnet, anyone with your ip could just snoop your root pass and
that'd be the end of it.  You can SSH (secure shell) into your comp and log on
as root though. try ssh <your ip> -l username

On Mon, 07 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> Cameron Kerr wrote:
> > 
> > Why is it that I can telnet to my box as an unprivilidged user, but not as
> > root?
> <sarcastic mode on>
> ...erm, now let me think about that for a minute. If anyone could telnet
> iinto your box as root I wonder if that might just pose some kinda
> security risk?
> </sarcastic mode off>
> Sorry, but seriously though, it would pose an immense security risk to
> allow someone to telnet as root.

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