Yeah, I thought that might have been the case.

Is there a sater way, it's on my local, exclusive network (may connect to
'net one day)

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Wright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, 8 February 2000 10:29am
Subject: Re: [newbie] Logging in as root trough telnet

Cameron Kerr wrote:
> Why is it that I can telnet to my box as an unprivilidged user, but not as
> root?

<sarcastic mode on>

...erm, now let me think about that for a minute. If anyone could telnet
into your box as root I wonder if that might just pose some kinda
security risk?

</sarcastic mode off>

Sorry, but seriously though, it would pose an immense security risk to
allow someone to telnet as root.

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