's actually supported under both.  There's a
(included at the last minute) driver on your 6.1 cd in the
/mnt/cdrom/apps/X-Rage128/ directory.  Version 7 should detect
and install your rage 128 based card pretty much automagically.


> I've been playing with 6.1 for about 2 months now, and I'm enjoying myself
> immensely. However, since building myself an SMP machine I've had to change my
> soundcard from an Ensoniq to a Soundblaster Live! The Ensoniq was happily
> supported under 6.1 and a call to 'sndconfig' sorted everything out. Music
> poured forth. Everything was wonderful.
> With the Soundblaster, 'sndconfig' merrily informs me that the SB Live! isn't
> supported. Dark days indeed.....
> Dang!
> I'm presently downloading the 7.0-2 ISO from a mirror. 24.2 hours to go! :(
> What I'd like to know is my SB Live! supported in this release, and does anyone
> have any idea of when (if!) it'll be supported?
> Steve Flynn
> IBM MVS Operations Analyst

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