Heheh... I believe you're mistaken. The password is not something like a CD-key
or anything; it's the password used to protect your account.

If you entered the correct username and password, but it gets rejected, you
might try booting in single-user mode to change the password. This is also good
for changing the password of root (= superuser; system administrator; the big
chief with unlimited access... Hey yes... YOU!)

To do this, at the LILO prompt, type "linux single" without the quotes, of
course. This drops you to a console root shell without having to enter a
password of any kind. There you can change root's password with "passwd", or
another user's (let's say joe) password with "passwd joe".

It is generally discouraged to do regular stuff as root. Create a regular user
for doing stuff that has nothing to do with system-maintainance. Regular users
can only screw up their account; root can screw up the whole system.

If you haven't defined a secondary user yet (I'd doubt it, since the install
asks you to), you can create one in the root-shell with "adduser joe" and then
"passwd joe".

ps: you don't need to boot in single-user mode every time you need to set up a
new account, or do other maintainance stuff. Just log in as root with the
correct root-passwd, and to it in an xterm, or trough the graphical
sys-maintainance utils.

Well, hope this answered your question, and helps you on the way with your new
operating system.

On Feb 26 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Ok, so I have the installation done, and am able to get to the opening page
> which says:  local host login and right below that, password.  I put the
> information is, and it gets rejected.  How do I get past this point?  Also,
> why do I need a password in the first place?  I got the CD in the mail and
> proceeded to spend 4 hours installing it.  I'd sure like to use it sometime
> to see what all the fuss is about.  I sure don't like Windows, and would
> like to have an alternative that works smoother.  
> John Houll 


Rial Juan                  <http://nighty.ulyssis.org>
                e-mail:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Belgium            tel:              (++32) 89/856533
ulyssis system admininstrator <http://www.ulyssis.org>
Unix IS user-friendly. It's just not ignorant-friendly
or idiot-friendly.


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