Mike Corbeil wrote:
> Daniel Anderson wrote:
> > I've installed Mandrake 7 and cannot log in in
> > console mode.Login to
> > the gui works fine.I get a login incorrect message when
> > I try to login
> > to a console either as root or as a user.Any ideas?
> >         Thanks
> >         Dan
> During the install, did you at some point specify that you wanted to
> login starting with X and a window manager by default?
> I don't know how your problem could be occuring, because I've never run
> into this kind of problem.
> However, login with the gui mode and examine your .bashrc and
> .bash_profile files.  Check if there's a command startx, which would
> probably be near the bottom of the file.  If you see this command, then
> comment it out, by placing a # in front of the command.
> ACTUALLY, before doing this, go into gui mode and then choose to exit
> the gui environment.  What does this do?  Does it cause the system to
> return you to the login prompt, or to reboot, or does it leave you in a
> shell at a command line prompt?
> Do that ACTUALLY part and report the results, here, before doing
> anything else.  Also note and report any error messages you see during
> boot.  If you don't remember these, then run
>         dmesg > junk 2>&1
> Include the output of dmesg in your reply.
> The problem could be a non-problem or could be due to some configuration
> file, based on how you did the install.  The file, in this case, might
> be correct, based on how you did the install, the options you chose.
> One possible example is if you chose an option to allow only login
> environments only in gui or X (not sure if this option exists, but
> believe to recall seeing something kind of like this).
> Wrt the latter, I just let it install for normal login and if at some
> point decide that I always want to start immediately with a gui, then I
> simply add the startx command to one of the startup scripts.  If at some
> point I don't want this, then I merely re-edit the login script to
> comment out the startx line.  I haven't heard of any bugs the other way,
> but this leaves me in the driver's seat.
> mike

        Thanks for the info. Already fixed the problem,I set the security to a
lower level in order to access the ftp server and nfs,and that fixed
this problem too.

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