> > I'm trying to install the Multi Router Traffic Grapher (mrtg-2.8.9-2mdk RPM for
> > i586). I don't have this file and haven't a clue what it is or where to get it.

> You'll find it at http://www.tuxfinder.com


Duhoh, I did look for the file. I never thought to look for the rpm, which I
already had (on the Mandrake disk ?) :( . Oh well. Now Expect wants to install
tk and tcl as well, round and round I go...MRTG is not a simple program and I
hope there are some answers to your related post

> Can anyone tell me where I can find BASIC informations about snmp and
> networkmonitoring please?

cause MRTG is heavy on SNMP

Thanks to the URL's posted by you and Sam I've hopefully got a couple of other
alternatives more suitable for a newbie: ksniffer, pload, xnetload.
..well pload and xnetload are simple in/out graphs for a single interface of
your choice, not sure which I like better, neither is very impressive. The
ksniffer rpm requires an older version of a file I have, I may look at makeing
that one.

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