> > ksniffer rpm requires an older version of a file I have, I may look at makeing
> > that one.
> I downloaded the .src.rpm version of ksniffer. I tried to install it. I ran rpm
> --rebuild ksniffer.src.rpm, but it complained about not finding headers like
> qcolor.h, qfont.h, qstrlist.h, and many others. I saw that those where in the
> qt-devel package. What I don't undestand is that this package IS installed and
> the headers ARE on my system. So, I'm stuck. Any clue?

With the rpm I got, I needed to get libjpg.so.6 even though I have libjpg.so.62,
what a pain. I did get it installed but is has nowhere the features shown on the
website, must be an old version. Anyway you might find Iptraf useful, no graphs
(none in my ksniffer either) but lots of info and a great manual. 



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