dave wrote :
> Duhoh, I did look for the file. I never thought to look for the rpm, which I
> already had (on the Mandrake disk ?) :( .
Sorry. I misunderstood your post.

> Oh well. Now Expect wants to install
> tk and tcl as well, round and round I go...MRTG is not a simple program and I
> hope there are some answers to your related post
> > Can anyone tell me where I can find BASIC informations about snmp and
> > networkmonitoring please?
No :(. Yours were the only one. (Thanx for that)

> cause MRTG is heavy on SNMP
> Thanks to the URL's posted by you and Sam I've hopefully got a couple of other
> alternatives more suitable for a newbie: ksniffer, pload, xnetload.
> ..
> ...well pload and xnetload are simple in/out graphs for a single interface of
> your choice, not sure which I like better, neither is very impressive. The
> ksniffer rpm requires an older version of a file I have, I may look at makeing
> that one.
I downloaded the .src.rpm version of ksniffer. I tried to install it. I ran rpm
--rebuild ksniffer.src.rpm, but it complained about not finding headers like
qcolor.h, qfont.h, qstrlist.h, and many others. I saw that those where in the
qt-devel package. What I don't undestand is that this package IS installed and
the headers ARE on my system. So, I'm stuck. Any clue?

Another thing is : even if I can install and use ksniffer, I'll be able to
monitor my network (and that's already good) but my main purpose is to
understand how those things work. So I ask again : can anyone tell me where I
could find basic documentation about snmp and network monitoring?


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