On Sat, 19 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> Hey y'all,
> I'm looking for an HTML Editor for Linux. I used Page Mill in 'doze, but if I
> could learn to use a Linux html editor, I might just be able to remove all
> traces of M$ from my machine. I would like to know what y'all prefer. I've seen
> Webmaker, Bluefish, Coffee Cup, and KDreamsite. Haven't tried anything just yet,
> so I would like to get your thoughts...where should I start? Which is the
> easiest to use for a guy coming from Page Mill? Which offers the best features?
> Thanks in advance for your input!
> Lance

Other then the typical HTML editors the only graphical ones like Page Mill I
have found is Coffee Cup.  Inside Office5.1 there's one that  not bad, I've
played with it a few times.  Or you could use Composer inside Navigator. The
fonts sometimes appear a different size going from one to the other depending
upon what program you use.  I would recommend viewing the finished product and
both win and linux before uploading to your web page.  When the font size
differs it changes the placement  of everything.  I guess another reason
to use real HTML editors.

Maybe someone can explain why the fonts change depending on the program you use
or view it in.

Speaking of Coffee Cup did you have any trouble loading that program. For some
reason it didn't work for me. Got to the graphical install wizard, hit the next
button and the program disappears into never never land?


Linux, Win, DOS,- also known as the Good, the Bad and the Ugly!

Contentment - is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the
realization of how much you already have.


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