I already tryed to make my problem clear in a mail called "help!", but it was six in the morning, I was frustrated and it got quit chaotic, so here is my problem struktured a little more:

- basic "anatomie" of linux

I'm experienced with MS-DOS (not Windows!), so I know what a device, a partition, a file, and  a directory is, but, how do these work to gether in Linux?
--can I open a directory from everywhere, or do I have to "go the path"?
--are there some directorys opened from everywhere, others not?
--why are all program starters appear in /usr/bin, can I change that ?(cause it's quite full, but there are other
--where does a program starter know from, where to find the other parts, wich belong to its program?

I ask these questions, cause my installed system is working well (exept the printer), but programs I download from the net don't! No matter if RPM or tar.gzip, I can unpack and install these programs, they create a lot of directorys and files, but whatever I "clik" to the program isn't starting.
This happend with Staroffice, the Realplayer and some other programs, they all have starters in /usr/bin, wich don't  seem to start anything (maybe cause they "don't know" where to find?), and directorys do appear spread over the harddrive, full with files, wich theme to belong to these programs. I can see each "Button" of the real player as .jpg for instant, but no "setup" or "install" or something like that, and "rvplayer" wich appears in /.usr/bin, isn't doing anything. The same with staroffice

wich is connected to what?

In DOS each program was a "standalone" using the DOS the same way like the others to use the hardware, each program brought it's own graphic, sound etc. But what about Linux, different parts do "use" or "suspend" each other, but how?

-- what is the Kernel doing?
-- what is x-free doing
-- what is the window manager doing (or is it identical with xfree ?)
-- what is a desktop manager doing (or is it identic with the window manager ?)
-- do different window/desktop managers have same "permission" or "power"
       --can I do everything from KDE or Gnome, or do I have to go to "Anotherlevel"
       --is there some absolute base level like DOS under Windowns, were all other parts of the System refer to?

I ask these  questions, to find out:
--why my printer is printing the prntool testpage perfectly, but nothing else
--why my graphics and sounds are great performing under KDE and horrible under Gnome
--why my 5,76k-baud modem is doing not more than 1,5k-baud most of the time (or is that normal
     "internet-speed" and a problem of providers and to many users? (I'm brand new in the net))

Well, I know, these are still many, many questions, but what shall I do? I'm shure I can find all these Information in man-pages or HOWTOW's or the manual, but these informations are absolutely chaotic struktered! Wich HOWTO to read, if you have no idear where the problem lies?

please send me help and advice, or a hint where to find these "basic"-informations.

Joerg Reinhardt


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