Glyn Millington wrote:

> : The soul is greater than the hum of its parts........
> Dear Friend,
> You need to have a good look at /usr/doc and its contents, and if you can get
> hold of the O'Reilly "Running Linux" by Matt Welsh Matthias Kalle Dalheimer and
> Lar Kaufman (3rd edition) its worth it!
> Good luck
> Glyn
> On Sun, Feb 20, 2000 at 01:54:41PM +0000, thus spake Joerg Reinhardt:
> > Hi,
> > I already tryed to make my problem clear in a mail called "help!", but
> > it was six in the morning, I was frustrated and it got quit chaotic, so
> > here is my problem struktured a little more:
> >
> > - basic "anatomie" of linux
> >
> >

Hi Glyn,
first thanks for your hint, i'll try to get the book.
Well... the /usr/doc/realplayer_5.0 directory is a nice one. Many pictures and
htm's in and an install notification, wich I already read before. It explains, how
to plug the player into the navigator, it also explains, how to use the player
itself, but it says not much about how to just start it (rvplayer in usr/bin isn't
working at all, but at least it's there.).
Did I got something wrong?? Well shure I did, but what? Is the player only working
togeter with the navigator maybe?

Please give me further advice,

thanks a lot!

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