
After browsing through the messages to and from you, I thought I might go ahead
and add a couple of thoughts.

The O'Reilly Running Linux is available in German as well as English.
I also picked up the book Linux fuer Anwender, but didn't find it very helpful.
As a newbie I've found Linux: Installation, Configuration, Use 2nd Ed. (by
Michael Kofler) to be my favorite. Just the other day I was in a bookstore and
noticed that it is also available in German. For me, it gave the best overview,
plus a lot of practical stuff that I've used.
Finally, if you haven't seen it, CHIP published a special Linux Ausgabe in
January, which also provides some useful tips.

Real Player:
No clue on that one

Starting programs:
My first try is to use the command line (right click on the kde desktop and
select Execute Command) or console. From anywhere, just type in the name of the
program. Seems like some programs "don't like" to be started from the icons in
kfm, but will then run from a command line. Not sure why, though.


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