hey if what you are looking for...is a way...to automatically update your ip
I have several programs Freeware...that you can download off my webserver...
and one that will  display your IP evrytme you logon....etc....I'll turn on my
server now...
go to :  http://kompukit.dyndns.org

and let me know when you get there...

"Ty C.Mixon" wrote:

> Ip config will do that, and it's legal.  The problem is that it's a
> dynamic DNS - it changes each time you long on.
> Here's a thought tho - see how they connect Windows to the Iway.  If
> it's just a Dial Up Networking connection, we can do that just as
> easily.  But many of them are ad driven, so it's proprietary software.  :(
> --
> Ty Mixon
> ICQ:    26147713
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> On 2/20/00, 6:01:23 PM, "Foyah Z. Freeman, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote regarding RE: [newbie] Free Internet:
> > I saw it posted somewhere that you can run I believe "ipconfig" under
> > windows to get your DNS once you are connected to your free ip.
> Whether
> > this is legal and/or works for you I don't know.
> > Foyah
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Mark Drake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2000 7:10 PM
> > Subject: [newbie] Free Internet
> >   Does anyone know of an ISP who provides free Internet AND supports
> Linux?
> > I
> > just tried Freewweb, but they don't support us!!


ICQ# 7110071


(personal webserver,does NOT run 24/7)

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