FredB wrote:
> Not a problem, I have a copy of Red Hat also. The partition question still
> stands though.
> Fred


I'm not an expert by any stretch but I have found that mandrake works
really well on my K^-2/350 with 64 MB of ram. As far as partitioning
your drives, I do have a couple of suggestions. First, you are going to
install your system multiple times before you get it the way you want
it, so how exactly you do it is probably irrelevant. Keeping track of
what you do becomes important, both with partitioning a system, and the
installed programs. Second, being flexible is the key to being happy,
especially when you are new at this.

As far a partition sizes go I have a 17 MB /boot with 14.1 MB free
/ has 1.8 GB free out of a 2.8 GB partition,
/home has about 300 MB used for one user and I figure to never need the
GB I set aside.
I have added WordPerfect and graphics in the /usr/local (is a part of
/). I have not added much in the way of software other than that. I
think my whole setup could easily fit into about 2.0 GB, but since I
have 6 GB left over from dual booting with Win2K I just used lots of
space. Prior to using Mandrake, I used Redhat 6.0 on a 1.6 GB drive
without any problems including having StarOffice on it.

The moral of the story is to try different things until you become
comfortable with how Linux works. Get used to reinstalling and keep
track of what you do. My notebook continues to grow, I just wish I had
been diligent in keeping records. I would have the basis for the
ultimate "Newbie" instruction manual.

James Mellema, CRNA MA
Linux User # 71650
ICQ # 19685870

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