Ahhh - the thrashing will be down to the fact you are running with Linux
under Windows.

I can't be of much help here, as I don't use it myself, but I suspect there
will be a command you can add to whatever program you use to start your
system to define how much memory you have. Linux, by default, only
recognises 64 meg. To get it to recognise more, you need to tell it how
much you have. Check out the documentation for whatever program you use to
start the Linux kernel....

Steve Flynn
IBM MVS Operations Analyst

Ryan Drafall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 24/02/2000 00:59:27
Uhhh....I don't have a lilo.conf anywhere on my system.  I'm using Lnx4win
if that makes a difference.  Also, there's way too much HD thrashing...even
for opening some small-ass text editor it thrashes like crazy and takes
like 15 sec. for it to load.  My system is a PII 300, 96 Mb of RAM, 6.4 Gb
HD, blah blah blah...if you need any more information, please ask.  Thanks
for your help.  Ryan.

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