> i know i need my ISP DNS etc?? where do i get them from and where do i put
> them in mandrake
> #

You get your DNS numbers from your ISP.  If they sent you some sort of
connection software (for Windoze), you might find those numbers in that
documentation.  If you have already been using the ISP under 'doze, you can
check your dial up settings there.  Easiest might just be to call your ISP and
ask them (or look on their web site in their support area).

Where to put them:
If you use Kppp for dialup, then:
     open kppp
     choose setup
     if you have not already set up an account, choose new, or if you do have
one set up, highlight it, and choose edit
     hit the DNS tab at the top of the New Account/Edit account window
     Then, enter the first number you get from the ISP in the "DNS IP Address"
box and hit "add"
     For additional DNS numbers, simply fill in the box and hit add over and
over until you're done
     (Of course, if you're setting up a new account, you'll need to fill in the
other info from the other tabs, too)
Hope that helps!

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