
My name is Jake and I bought your Maximum Linux magazine #1. I enjoyed
the magazine but i have trouble installing the Linux Mandrake 6.0 in my
computer (h.p) I have install it several times now, but failed to work. I'm
don't familiar with Linux but I want to learn from it. I'm going to explain
you what happens when I try to get in.

1- Turn on the computer and choose Linux
2- In my screen it appears The Penguin
3- and I'm asked for a login, wich I type jakepp (the one I typed in the 
4- then I type my password (333666) and i get this:

Last login: Fri Jan 28 14:42:48 on tty1
[jakepp@localhost jakepp]$

After this it stays like this, i type "help" and it gives me a list,
I also typed "Tab" key and it gives me another list.

I am trying hard to get it to work but I think is time to ask for help
from people who know, I also followed the 12 easy steps from the magazine
and I also tryed to do it in Workstation and Custom but failed to do so.

I would really appreciate if you can help, thank you!

         Jake Pettengill
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