Xconfigurator or xf86config should fix the display problem. To exit either
kde or gnome, you click on the "logout" button which looks like a padlock
under kde and, I believe, is under the "foot" menu in gnome and is labeled
simply "log out" or something of the sort.
To reboot your computer, you exit X and run 'shutdown' (minus quotes) from
the command line. shutdown -r will restart and shutdown -h will turn off
the computer. If you have insuficient priviledges to do this under your
user account (which I think you can't), you'll have to log out and log
back in as root to shut down or restart.

Hope this helps.


On Fri, 28 Jan 2000, Alan Pitts wrote:

> Hi,
> I have just installed the Deluxe Linux-Mandrake 6.0 system....apparently successfuly 
>- Lilo boots into both windows and linux !
> My problem is that the display I see in Linux is far too big for my screen !  It's 
>like holding a magazine right up to your face so that you can't see the periphery.  
>How do I alter this please ??
> Would someone also be kind enough to tell me the correct way to close down, exit 
>linux from either kde and/or gnome so that I can reboot into windows.
> Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> Alan
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