Marc Herms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Please help me VERY soon, this is urgent, because I cannot use my Windows 
> anymore!
> I have updated Linux to Mandrake 7.0. There have been NO problems with the 
> installation.
> Then, I started my PC, but it didn`t start Windows (as it did before). I 
> have the Boot Manager installed and it should start Windows.
> So, I tried to boot to a dos disk and I ran fdisk. There are several 
> partitions, but ALL are "NON-DOS" partitions!!!
> When loading Linux, I can see my hard drives (hda1 + sda1) where I have my 
> Windows system.
> I think that all this could have been changed by the LILO, but I don`t know

> HOW to reconfigure it or WHAT to do.
> Please, let me know what I have to do in order to use my Windows again!
> I want that the pc boots to Windows, using the Boot Manager, as default.
> how come I don`t have a valid DOS partition anymore??
> Please help as soon as possible!
> thanks,
> Marc
        My guess is that you exercised the otion to put LILO in the MBR, instead of
the first linux partition (e.g., hda, instead of hdax (probably 5).  When the
lilo prompt comes p, try hitting the tab button. You should then see the to
options:  linux & dos (or win).  Type dos (or win if that's it) ad you should
boot into windows.

Michael Scottaline
Linux 2.2.13

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